How to Choose between In-house Printing And Outsourced Printing

Outsourced Printing

How to Choose between In-house Printing And Outsourced Printing

In-house and Outsourced Printing have their own unique advantages and disadvantages.

If you are a business owner, you would have asked yourself the following questions.

  • Should I print in-house?
  • If I print in-house, do I have the resources for it?
  • Will it serve me better to outsource my printing requirements?

Printing is a demanding job, especially for a business. It is very important because it can make or break the marketing efforts of the organization.

Businesses have utilized a combination of the two printing options to meet tight deadlines, make clients happy with visuals, and help with cost savings.

Some businesses have chosen to keep printing in-house to keep their spending in check and have control over the printing. And some have outsourced the efforts to free up resources that can focus on more value-added tasks.

But how do you know which I the best option for your business?

First, let’s look at the benefits of each.

Laser Printer

Businesses dealing with a high-printing load go for laser printers.

Laser Printers use toner cartridges. Unlike ink, toners are powdery substances. You should never mix toner and ink cartridges because the printer will simply not work. Always keep the cartridges in stock and try buying the cartridges directly from the manufacturer.

Usually, toner cartridges print 2000 pages per cartridge. This is why they are preferred for high printing load.

In-House Printing Benefits

  • Company has complete control over materials, campaigns, and the turnaround time.
  • Cost savings
  • Increased security of confidential information
  • You can experiment with in-house printing
  • Luxury of changing information or deleting it at the last moment without talking to extra people

Outsourced Printing Benefits

  • Printing is handled by experts who will help you decide the best option for your job
  • No upkeep and maintenance of the equipment
  • Extra work beyond printing like collating, binding, sealing, stamping, etc. is done by the printing technicians
  • Saves office space
  • No added worries about printing and the work that goes with it

Factors to consider when choosing between in-house and outsourced printing

  • Volume and Frequency of printing – Ask yourself if your company needs printing services regularly or every now and then. If you need to print a lot of pages and do it frequently, having a dedicated printing machine in the office is cost-effective and saves the time spent on sending the details to the printing press and waiting for the final output.
  • Creative control – Are you the type of person who likes to make all the final (even minute) decisions? Ask yourself this question because outsourcing your printing services often means giving up the final say of your print job and letting the experts take over.

    f you have a laidback approach and let others in on your decision-making process, you can look at outsourcing. But, if you like to have creative control of the finished product, having your own printer is a suitable option. You can print how many copies you want with as many changes as possible. However, you need to keep in mind that you will have to train your staff in this and keep a dedicated team for your printing needs. This will require the investment of both time and money.
  • Time invested in the job – How much time do you spend at the print shop? Or do you send anyone to help you run to and fro? If you have a printer at your workplace, how much time do you spend on a printing job? do you have dedicated resources for the job? With these calculations, you can determine the time spent and make an informed decision on whether you want to print in-house or outsource your print jobs.

The Final Verdict

Choosing between in-house or outsourced printing all boils down to your business and its unique needs. You have weighed the pros and cons for each and know the factors to consider when choosing your printing services. You now can make the best choice for your printing projects and enjoy the perks and benefits that come with it.

However, if you need a printing partner to outsource, CAD Reprographics is here to help.

Contact CAD Reprographics LLC to take advantage of our digital printing services in Abu Dhabi and Dubai at our website

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